Thursday, August 03, 2006

Its hot in Virginia. I know that this tends to happen every year (the weather heats up), or at least during the summer months...but, wow. Its warm.

So, this is my first posting in my newfound blogging world. I guess that its appropriate that its 2:15am. What better to do when you cant sleep then try to come up with witty and interesting things to write about. Well, perhaps my blog will be different! I'll write about things that people will think are boring and not witty. Is there a word for that? Hmmm. Probably a bad idea...being that the idea of this thing is to somewhat entertain the people who are reading this. entertain. Isn't that what we as singers do all the time? Quite frankly, I'm getting sick of trying to always make people happy. It seems that we have this idea or quest to please people so far deeply routed in our brains that we cant even stand up for ourselves! I'll explain. I was recently singing with orchestra X (ok, it was The National Symphony but I'm really not bragging - heehee) Well, after the dress rehearsal some guy that I dont even know comes up to me and says, "Were you marking during that rehearsal...because there were some parts that I couldnt even hear you at all." What was MY reaction? Something like, "Oh, yes, because the rehearsal was so early in the morning I was indeed marking so that I wouldnt tire myself out for the performance tonight" (We had the dress reh the day of the performance) -- WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING? What I should have said was, "I'm sorry...did I ask what you thought? Leave me the hell alone, and when I want your opinion, I'll ask you for it, ya old @$#^" But, alas...that came to me many hours later.

I promise, I really am a nice guy, its just that when complete strangers start giving you advice about your profession I think that they should perhaps deserve similar treatment! Ok, enough ranting and raving. I'm off to try to sleep.


At 3:29 PM, Blogger operadaddy said...

Have you ever thought about becoming a HeldenTenor? Just a thought.

By the way, I am amused by your title and your post. Good stuff. Keep writing.

Your two armed friend,


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