Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ups and Downs

I tell ya, if this career isnt a rollercoaster, I dont know what is. What is it about the unknown that drives us, or rather, possesses us to continue down its path? Yeah, it all starts with a love of music and singing, but then something happens along the way where some days you want to be a gardener or an architect but then you think that this would be too straight forward...where's the craziness in those projects? Yes, folks, singers are crazy. We're nuts. But, in a good way, I think. Someone should start an ad that says, "Hey, you like to sing? Do ya have a good voice? Are you a little bonkers? Well, then being an opera singer might be for you! Come get 3 or 4 pointless degrees and spend a ton of money on lessons and coachings hoping that your wildest dreams might come true and you too can learn about things that have absolutely no worth in the real world. So, come join us in our make believe land of giants, queens of the night, and castle-jumping divas. We want YOU!

Seriously though, it is fun. ...and it gets better every day. Well, most of the time. At the current moment I have a cold. I must say that it sucks getting sick...I am very fortunate that it happens to me about once every 2 years, and it seems that I have been able to control it so that it only happens during my down time. I have the next 3 weeks to just prepare for my next engagements. But, other than having a little stuffiness and sore throat I'm looking forward to these next projects. It MIGHT be because after the second gig I will have 2 months off! I havent had that much time off in I dont know how long! My current plan is to get a dog. I've already named him. And yeah, its gunna be a boy. His name will be Duke Bauman Hurt. (named after my best friend David Bauman) - and he will be a yellow/white lab. I have wanted my own dog for years and now I will have one if it kills me! I WANT A DOG!

Its getting late and I must take the car into the shop in the a.m. so I shall say, nighty night night!


At 7:51 AM, Blogger Princess Alpenrose said...

Oh, Weston! (I'm about 4 nanoseconds from giving you an affectionate nickname, so stop me if you don't want one...) This post was so funny & real, I knew there was a reason I like you so much!!!

Uh, yeah, count me in on the "If you like to sing ... countless years & dollars ... land of giants, queens of the night & castle-jumping divas" world. Especially the castle-jumping divas part for me. Seriously, I laughed and laughed at:

"Come get 3 or 4 pointless degrees and spend a ton of money on lessons and coachings hoping that your wildest dreams might come true and you too can learn about things that have absolutely no worth in the real world."

If you don't make that whole first long paragraph your "About Me" Section, I just might!

OK, back to "reality" yes, being sick truly sucks... I'm still getting over strep throat+flu that's going around here. And there is a weird vocal self-protection mechanism that we have. I have strep yes, virtually my whole soft palate is scratchy & red, and my glands are swollen, but my throat itself is clear as a bell. So I can sing (but I'm not but I can see?)

Try this site & I bet you'll find Duke Bauman Hurt:

Hugs, Ariadne


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