Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Don Giovanni in the Midwest

Its amazing to think that regardless of dialect and culture that opera still happens. Sometimes its "Y'all" or "Yeah, sure you betcha" but people from different backgrounds and different countries come together to perform and enjoy opera. So, here we are in Grand Rapids, Michigan putting together a production of Mozart's Don Giovanni. Its hard to believe that just a week ago I was in New York City putting together the performance of Franz Shreker's Der ferne Klang! Michigan is April. Apparently it gets pretty cold here in the winter and snows quite a bit, but staying in a LOVELY home in April is just divine! We have recently had a cold blast yesterday and today...but hopefully we will be back in the 70's soon!

This is actually quite a quick rehearsal period...really just 2 weeks and then tech week, the performances and then we're headed home. For me, this will be the first summer in 12 years that I had had off! I mean, I do have some exciting work in August, but May, June, and July are FREE. WOOOHOOOO! Time to get a dog and train him and love him and show him how to be my buddy. :o) I'm pretty excited about getting a doggie, as I have always been "dog guy". So, yeah.... in a matter of weeks "Duke Bauman" will be mine!

I apologize for the lack of entries over the last few weeks...I've been terribly busy...but hopefully I will be able to get back in the swing of things and keep you all up to date with the Dog situation.

ok, we are about to do a un-thru of act 1 here at the beautiful "Dance and Step" rehearsal space.


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