Thursday, October 25, 2007


I'm outta the desert and into the ghetto. No, not really. Thus far downtown Detroit isnt as bad as everyone said it would be. I came here assuming that I'd be held up on a daily basis on my trek over to the opera house. Thats just not true. I'm staying in a lovely hotel very near the opera house surrounded by The baseball stadium for the Detroit Tigers and the football stadium for the Detroit Lions! Lions and Tigers and Pistons oh my!? hmmm...I dunno.

We are off to a start of some sort on Mozart's LE NOZZE DI FIGARO. We've sort of finished staging act 1 and thrust forward today into act 2. Apparently we will have the entire act 2 staged by this evening. Hmm...lets see if that REALLY happens. :-O Who knows, it could happen. I actually really like it here in MI. The entire facility is all in house. The rehearsals and costume shop and offices and theater are all in one building. Very cool....and easy.

The weather here has been a sign that ol' man winter is on his way. Its been in the mid-40's for highs and low 40's at night. I'm thinking that I should have brought a heavier jacket? oops.

In other news facebook has taken over my life. Why why why am I addicted to looking at pictures of friends? I dont get it. Oh keeps my busy and away from doing other things that could be much worse, right? Not that I do things that are much worse...I'm just COULD be much worse. Ok, nevermind. I'd probably just be watching TV or sumthin. But then again...I probably should be studying.

Ok, I'm off to study.....


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