Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Swing of the Routine

I wake up at around 6:45am to the gentle cries from the kitchen as Daisy tries to exclaim that it is time for her to go outside and do her business. I get up, climb over the doggie gate, go into the kitchen to open Daisy's crate, and let her outside to go potty. She is usually very good and quick, as she has been holding it all night! When she finishes, we go back inside and I give her breakfast kibbles. Almost immediately its gone and she is in need to head back outside for some well-needed fertilizing.

After the morning session as I like to call it, we head back inside for Daddy rest time. (I dont usually wake up in the single digits!) After I catch a few z's (hopefully) we have some exercise time by playing fetch in the backyard or in the long hallway in the house. She is soooo cute! ...and VERY good at fetch!

In the afternoon I try to get to the gym and either get on the elliptical or swim laps. I'm still having some trouble with my torn calf muscle, so its usually 2 days on, 2 days off. But, hey...I'm going!!

The rest of the day is typically spent working. I have a few songs to learn and memorize as well as a new opera role to learn and an old friend to re-acqaint myself with. Speaking of, I'm headed to a coaching!!!


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