Singers are Monkeys
We've hit the midway mark here in HOTlanta - where now it seems to be cooling off, both outside and elsewhere. I have to say that these first two weeks have been eventful! I've been reunited with friends, met a new amazing friend, and have been reminded on many occasion that singers are monkeys.
DANCE monkey!! GREET PEOPLE AND CIRCULATE singer!! NO, NOT LIKE THAT...LIKE THIS singer. It really does get old. I think the reason that older singers are pretty much freaks is because they had to go through many years of being told that their opinion simply doesnt matter. I wonder at what point you get to have a say in the way that you interpret a line or a phrase. Hmmm... the journey continues.
Today will be a great day! I have a dress rehearsal for a concert that the Atlanta Opera is giving tonight as a preview for their 2008-2009 season. The dress rehearsal is from 1-2 and then at 4:15pm the Cowboys will beat the Redskins!! heehee! I'm a HUGE fan of the Dallas Cowboys and am excited to see them take the 'Skins out of the picture. Then, after the game is the concert back at the theater. (which is lovely!) - If I'm being honest, I'm a but nervous about tonight. I am singing a new aria for me, "Il balen" from Verdi's Il Trovatore. Its an absolutely beautiful aria that has a very high tessitura but that shows me off well I think...and I'm excited for the administration here in Atlanta to hear me sing something other than Sharpless. So, PLEASE send me good vibes at 7:30pm-ish tonight (Eastern time) :-) THANKS!
This week begins hell week. We have the concert tonight, wandelprobe for Butterfly tomorrow, piano dress tuesday, orchestra dress wednesday, orchestra dress #2 thursday, OFF Friday, and then we open Saturday! WHEW! Actually, I enjoy these weeks. I like being in the theater. It reminds me why I do what I do.